This course is for people who haven’t ridden a motorcycle in a while, to refresh their skills.
(Saturdays Only, starting at 8:45am)
Duration and Candidate ability requirements
- Training done in one session
- Must have ridden a motorcycle before
- Skills need refreshing
Course objectives
- Safe riding depends on as much on skills of awareness and judgment as it does on physical skill of manoeuvring the machine. These skills are perishable and need to be renewed from time to time.
Course material and presentation
- Training is provided on a flat, safe, enclosed, private concrete slab
- The Candidate come and attend a group session where we discuss all aspects of safe riding to refresh his / her mental skills.
the discussion we move on to the motorcycle where he / she will become
acquainted with a motorcycle again, to sharpen up his / her physical
Refresh Your Skill Course
- Brand: Bikersafe Motorcycle Training Academy
- Product Code: Refresh Your Skill Course
- Availability: 4